Saturday, March 31, 2018

Believe in You

7 years ago I penned my first blog post, deciding to publicly share my weight loss journey. Well at least for the 2 whole people that might read it (haha). After trying and failing to lose weight for the 3 years previous, and at the peak of my neurological illness, I was emotionally and physically at the end of my rope. As a person who has battled her weight since childhood, and feeling at my lowest of lows, I really had no hope that this time around would be different. But I knew it was time for a change, not only physically but a complete overhaul of the way I lived and viewed my life.

When I reflect back on those early posts, I can feel my fear, anger, exhaustion, doubt, frustration and weariness. Yet day by day, week by week and year by year- my whole life changed.

In honor of my 7 year blog-a-versary, I thought I'd share 7 things I've learned and put into practice along with way.

1) Choose faith over fear. Faith is believing in something we can't see. If you are just beginning your wellness journey, are muddling through or are starting over- believe in your possibility. Believe in yourself enough to crush those feelings of fear. Believe that God has good things in store for you. And if you can't believe in yourself right now, surround yourself with people who will.

2) Be consistent. It's not the heroic or extreme moments that lead to change, it's consistent daily actions. Make a plan and stick to it. Know that on occasion life is going to throw you a few curveballs, but do not waver. Trust the process. This is gonna take a while. Push through, you're worth it. You really, truly, are.

3) Learn from the setbacks and roadblocks. In order to move forward, you must leave the pity party behind. Let's face it, life is hard sometimes. Like really super hard. There will be many ugly moments in your journey. But instead of asking "why me", ask "what can I learn". Take what you learn and use it as rocket fuel to propel you forward. Setbacks aren't failures, they are opportunities for do-overs. We take what we learn and we get better. Roadblocks aren't stop signs, they are simply re-routing our journey on to something better.

4) Be courageous. This journey is going to be downright uncomfortable. You may be trying to change a lifetime of bad habits. Your belief system might be shattered. Who you thought you were may be uprooted. Being in that in between place of who you were and who you are supposed to be might make you feel lost. You might want to retreat back into the old you because it feels more comfortable. DO NOT do that! Do not retreat! Push forward into greatness. Push through the pain of change.

5) Have a willingness to begin again. And again. And again. And 100x again. I can't tell you over the past 7 years how many times I've started over. How many times I've recalibrated my journey and my mindset. Mindset is everything, be positive. You hold the power in your journey. You have a choice to be a victim or a victor in your circumstances. Choose to have a mindset of abundance and gratitude.

6) Practice self love and care daily. Wash, rinse and repeat. Love yourself enough to forgive yourself when you mess up. Love yourself enough to invest in yourself. Love yourself enough to say NO, to people, to demands, to requests for your time. Let go of the guilt that comes with saying NO. There is only one you. Love yourself enough to say YES. Be open to new friendships, new opportunities, a new way of living.

7) Grab on to grit and grace and never let go. You may not know or believe this right now, but you are a fighter. You are stronger than you think. You are filled with grit and grace. I beg you, DO NOT give up on yourself. Believe that you are enough. Believe that you are worth every sacrifice that will get you to your goal(s). Believe in you.

Hugs & friendship,

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