Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Land of (Doctor) Oz

A few weeks ago, my acupuncturist referred me to a Producer from the Dr. Oz show. The Dr. Oz show was looking for people who transformed their lives using holistic medicine.  I needed to submit a brief write up about how acupuncture transformed my life, along with a picture. At first, I was frozen by a fear of the unknown. What if they like my story? What if they choose me? What would I say on camera? Would I be good enough? Then, I was frozen by a fear of failure. What if they don’t like my story? What if they don’t choose me? And then I decided, why not?
So I wrote up my summary and e-mailed it and my picture to the Producer. And much to my surprise, the Producer wrote back the same day. Long story short, they were changing the direction of the show to feature people who lost weight due to acupuncture. The Producer and I wrote back and forth and while I agree that acupuncture made me feel well enough to want to lose weight, I cannot attribute my weight loss solely to acupuncture and blah, blah, blah. The Producer did write “you sound like an amazing story regardless and I’d love to try to get you onto the show if we can” and that was cool enough for me. And while it seems like my story didn’t quite fit into their programming, it was neat to be considered; fun to dream for a moment about being a guest on the show.
In my next post, I will share the transformation letter I wrote to the show. Why would I dare to share this very personal letter that I’ve only share with a few friends and family? For several reasons-
#1- Because the Tara of a year ago would not have even written the letter to the Dr. Oz show. She would have proclaimed defeat before even trying something new. Letting her fears take over before giving something new a chance.
#2- I believe that when you share the deepest part of yourself, there is a possibility that you could help someone along the way. I honestly believe that’s one of the reasons why God places obstacles in our paths.
#3- Acupuncture, whether you believe in it or not, has truly changed my life. If you are out there reading this blog, and are at the end of your rope due to physical, chronic or emotional pain, what have you got to lose? Open yourself up and try an alternative treatment.
#4- With great risks comes great rewards. Trying something new is so scary. I’m not a risk-taker, I’m a rule follower. I do the speed limit. I read the warning labels on my medications. I used to cut my kids grapes in half because they were the #2 choking hazard. J  And I don’t know about you, but my life is chaotic enough, I like predictable. I like to have an even-keel kind of day. Yet lately, I’m feeling like there is so much out there I could be missing by not taking a chance. So I’m doing it! I’m facing it! I’m trying it! Some days with great zeal, and some days with great trepidation.
Whether it’s a small change or a life altering change you’ve been considering, ask yourself why not? And then put on your helmet and safety goggles and go for it!
Ask for help, make a choice, commit to the choice and continue with courage.
Hugs and friendship,


  1. WOW!! I still fully expect to see you on the Dr. Oz show some day. And you'll be spectacular!!

  2. You're sweet Jen! I'll settle for hitting my WW goal and watching Dr. Oz on TV. :-)
