Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Pin Your Tail

As a Beachbody Coach and former Weight Watchers leader, one of the most frustrating patterns of behavior that I witness is when people are plugging along on their wellness journey, consistent, persistent, sometimes absolute rock stars and then…they stop. As a Coach it makes me want to scream- “please DO NOT give up, whatever you do, DO NOT stop!!!” As a person who has struggled with her weight for a majority of her life, I get it. That’s where I was in 2008, 2009, 2010, stuck in a vicious cycle of stopping and starting, of believing and doubting, of succeeding and failing. To be honest, I was dilly-dallying (anytime I can work that word into my blog I will). I was half-assing it. Part of my brain shouted  “I so desperately want to lose this weight” while the other part whispered “why try, you’ll fail.” And so the evil little gremlin won out, time and time again. Self-doubt undermined my best efforts and intentions. How? How do we go from being locked and loaded, in the zone, fired up about losing weight to throwing in the towel?

Does anyone remember back in the day how simple children’s birthday parties used to be? Some box mix cupcakes, party hats and games? Is it just me or have children’s parties gotten extremely extravagant with the bouncy houses, rented venues and fancy cakes? Rant over. Anyone remember playing pin the tail on the donkey? The game itself is such a simple concept. You wore a blindfold, someone spun you around a few times and gave you a gentle push in the right direction toward the donkey. You toddled your way forward with the paper donkey tail in hand and did your best to tape the tail in the right place. Then you took off your blindfold and saw where you pinned the tail and most likely had a good laugh at how far off you were.

Is that how your weight loss effort is feeling right now? Are you blindly making your way through your journey, just hoping you’ll get to where you need to go? And sometimes you find yourself so far off it’s laughable and not in the funny, ha-ha kind of way? If so, it’s time to face some facts and take action.  

Take off the blind fold and stop spinning around.
There is a reason why you’re not reaching your goal, why you are stopping and starting your weight loss journey again and again. That reason most likely goes deeper than the surface excuses of being busy or it’s not the right season in my life. That reason is probably deeper than the fear of failure OR the fear of success. But we don’t usually want to go there, to those dark places and truly examine what is holding us back because that self-examination might just bring up past or present hurts and it’s much easier and less painful to keep the blind fold on. I’ve come to learn that for me, the extra weight was a kind of armor I set up for myself, a way to self-protect (or so I thought). Part of the reason I carried around the extra weight in my twenties was because of a deep dark hurt. I was sexually abused when I was younger. I realize now that I used my weight to protect against sexual advances. I hoped that being heavier would mean that men would not be attracted to me. It’s hard to even write these words because I remember that time and how I felt so exposed and how I just wanted to hide from the world and I hid behind my weight. Later in life I did the same thing for different reasons. I am (sometimes painfully) introverted. I know that surprises some of you. Up until a few years ago, I used my extra weight as an excuse to not be social. To retreat into my cocoon of comfort and quiet. I used it as a barrier to not talk to people, to not take risks or to push out of my comfort zone. I’ve worked hard to change many of my behaviors and I’m proud of who I am (and always was) now. But here’s the deal, you have to look hard into that mirror to figure out why you keep getting in your own way.

Find someone who can push you in the right direction when you get off track.
The weight loss journey is not filled with unicorns, sprinkles and rainbows. It can and will be hard. There will also be some amazing moments along the way. Sometimes those amazing moments, like being able to go up the stairs without being out of breath, or running your first mile, or fitting into a pair of jeans, or doing your first push up; some of those moments will carry you forward. And sometimes they are just not enough. That’s why you need to find your tribe. Whether it’s an accountability partner or group. Do not do this alone. Find ways to plug in using social media or in person groups. Trying to lose weight alone can be discouraging and isolating. Connect with people who have similar goals, who will keep it real with you and will help you to reach your goals, even when you want to stop.

Pin Your Tail.
Remember earlier when I talked about toddling forward trying to find your way to pin the tail on the donkey? Stop with the toddling and write down your goals. Mini goals, big hairy audacious goals. You have to know where you want to go to get where you’re going. Defining goals can be scary. Because then (oh crap) you might actually have to achieve them. Do you have goals in front of you to keep you focused and moving forward? Stop being so afraid of not achieving them that you don’t even try. Or like me, you dilly dally and keep spinning in circles because you don’t truly believe in your heart of hearts that you’ll ever get there.

Commit to the choice. Ask for help. Continue with courage.  
Hugs and friendship, 



  1. I truly feel like I was meant to join the group to find you ~ I need to keep going. I'm tired of doubting myself. Thank you ❤️💪🏼

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment. It's so cool how God puts people in our paths just when we need it the most. One of my favorite books for self-doubt is Taming Your Gremlins.
