Wednesday, December 30, 2015

To the weight loss warriors of 2016,

I feel you. I feel your frustration. I hear you that you are fed up with the trying, with the starting and stopping, with the losing and gaining. Sick and tired of the endless cycle of what sometimes feels like hopelessness.  Let’s just call it what it is- freaking exhausting- a suckfest of sucktastic proportions.

I’m writing this because I never thought I’d be here, at goal for going on four years now. Healthy. 40+ pounds lighter. Living my best and most energized life. Feeling downright giddy about being well. Looking and feeling better in my forties than I did in my twenties. But here I am…I made it!
I’m writing this because I remember how desperate I was, just to get the scale to flipping move (in the right direction) and I know how hard it is to keep the momentum going. We’d like weight loss to be a sprint, yet in fact it’s an endurance run. And the mileposts keep changing. And sometimes it rains on the run and the trail gets foggy and we lose our way. We lose our spirit. We lose ourselves. Because we’re so tired of doing, so tired of trying, so tired of failing.

As my last post of 2015, I thought I’d capture what I would have told myself way back in 2011, when I was first starting back on my wellness journey.

You’re doing the right thing. You’ve made the choice to be well. You picked a program that works for you, a program that’s proven. Don’t be swayed by the quick fixes and fad diets. It took years to gain the weight and it’s going to take time and a crap load of hard work to lose it. Stay the course.

Set a weight goal and put a timeline to it. Instead of I want to lose weight. Be specific. I WILL get from X to Y by when. Make sure the goal is realistic. Not the weight you were in high school (for me at least, that was a long time and a few kids ago).

Create some non-scale goals. My goal was to lose one pants size and feel better in my clothes. I’m still a little dumbstruck that I lost 4 pants sizes. I had no idea it was even possible!

Surround yourself with people who are like-minded, who are healthy or are working their way to good health. I forget which comedian said “if you hang around 4 stupid people, you’ll be the fifth.” Join a support group online or in person. Head to a wellness event in your area. Subscribe to wellness magazines, blogs. Buy wellness related books.

Invest in yourself. If you cannot invest in yourself, you might as well stop this journey right now. Being well requires some self-centeredness. You’re going to have to learn to say no to some things and to say yes to things that scare you. Think about the work you’d put in if you went back to school or started a new job. You’d study. You’d prepare. You’d network. You’d set the time aside to put in the work. Weight loss requires work and it requires commitment. I think that this is one of the biggest reasons why folks don’t reach their goals. They are not willing (or ready) to put themselves first.

Ditch the diet. We are an instant gratification society. When we go on a diet we make temporary changes that lead to quick results. Embrace the small changes. One pebble in the ocean can change the current. Make one small change and build on it. You will be amazed at what you can accomplish.

Think about the thinks you think. I can affirm that for many years I was the reason that I did not reach my goal. For years I tried to lose weight, but I got in my own way, over and over again. I’d encourage you to pause here and to really tune in to the emotions of why you’re not getting where you want to be. I’m guessing you have the know-how and most likely you have the tools and support. I’m guessing that you also have the willingness. There is something stopping you, holding you back from achieving the very best health you desire. Maybe it’s the fear of the known- you know that you get half way to goal and quit. Maybe it’s the fear of the unknown- what will life be like after you reach your goal? What will that new person look like? Feel like? Live like? What if that means that other things must change too? Maybe it’s the fear of failure- what if you reach your goal and then can’t maintain it? Whatever the reason- dig deep- it’s there.

For the love of Peter, Paul, Mary & Joseph- KEEP GOING!!! I’ve blogged about this. I’ve talked to groups about this. IF I had quit, I NEVER WOULD HAVE REACHED MY GOAL. Please, please, pretty please on top of cheese with strawberries, DO NOT GIVE UP ON YOURSELF.

Love yourself where you are while working toward who you want to be.

You’re worth starting. You’re worth planning. You’re worth prioritizing. You’re worth 

You’re Gods precious gift, a one of a kind. Loved. Cherished.  

Now- cherish yourself.

Commit to the choice. Ask for help. Continue with courage.  
Hugs and Friendship,


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