Saturday, July 21, 2012

Guatemala Reflection #1: Joy

After having one of my most life-changing weeks ever, how could I not write about my experiences in Guatemala? So for those of you who are looking for some weight loss tips and tricks, hang with me over the next few weeks because I have about a gazillion and one thoughts racing in my head that I need to get on paper. How can I possibly make sense of the thoughts and emotions that come flooding back with a sound, smell or an image? Well, I had to start somewhere, so I jotted down a few words- joy, strength, beauty, abundance and gratitude and we’ll see where it goes from there.  
This morning, as I was trying to muster up the energy to get out of bed to start my work day, there was a mourning dove cooing outside my window. I just love the fluid, long and low sound of their call. Contrast that to the high-pitched, gawking crow of a rooster. Every day last week in Guatemala, I awoke to the sound of not just one rooster, but multiple roosters crowing to each other. It’s like they were saying hello to each other over AND over again. At first it was kind of cute and funny, but then I was like “enough already”.
Not too long after the crowing roosters, we were greeted by early morning fireworks. I’m not sure of the local tradition of this, but here’s how it went down---there was an explosion of fireworks, followed by the whoops and hollers of the Guatemalan people, ending with lively singing. It was absolutely nuts, and it’s one of my favorite memories. Why? The sheer joy of it all.
When was the last time you hopped out of bed to greet the day whooping and hollering with joy?  I know you’re shaking your head right now and saying really Tara? Really? Do you have any idea the challenges I face each day? The responsibilities I carry?
My experience in Guatemala made me think of a portion of this verse from Matthew 6:25:
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes?”
If we gave God our worries, would we have more time for joy? And could starting each day with a joy-filled attitude help overcome our daily challenges and seemingly overwhelming responsibilities?
When I first heard the Guatemalans singing and laughing at 5:30 in the morning, I thought to myself, they are flipping bananas, especially because mornings are NOT my friend. But as the week went on I realized they’ve got it right. When you begin your day in the right mindset, focused on what really matters, surrounded by people that energize and love you, appreciating the gift of a brand new day, knowing that God’s got your back, how can you go wrong?
Ask for help. Make the choice. Commit to the choice. Continue with courage.
Hugs and friendship,

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