Friday, March 14, 2014

Be Intentional

Last week my husband and I both agreed to do a two week wellness challenge. You might be thinking, two weeks, really? Yes, two weeks. Sometimes long term goals can be completely overwhelming. I like to set short term goals that get me closer to my desired results. Once I complete this two week challenge, I will evaluate my progress, recalibrate and move forward.

There was nothing fancy about this challenge, the ground rules were simple. For two weeks we would:
  • Eat well, staying at or under our Weight Watchers points ranges.
  • Get moving, performing 30 minutes or more of daily activity. The only exercise excuse allowed was illness.
  • Not bring any baked goods into the house (we had reverted back to some of our old ways).
  • We also identified our trigger foods and agreed not to purchase them.

In addition, I added a mental wellness component:
  • To take a minimum of 15 minutes each day for prayer, reflection or meditation.

This really got me asking the question "am I being intentional about how I spend my time?" Let’s say we’re awake for 16 hours a day (give or take).  If we factor in an 8 hour work day and a 2 hour commute (an hour each way), that leaves us with 6 hours. If we take away 3 hours to care for loved ones and tend to our many personal/household responsibilities, that leaves 3 hours of leisure time. Phew, that sounded way too much like a math problem, my head hurts. 

Often I hear people say that they cannot possibly find the time to work out or eat healthily. I used to believe the same, until I started to look at how I was spending my time. I realized that conservatively I was spending two hours a night watching TV. Sure, I work hard and that is well-deserved down time. Sometimes it feels good just to veg out. However, I came to realize that I have much more energy as well as much more of myself to offer to others if I spend some of that time taking care of me.  

Do you believe that if you want something bad enough you will find a way to make it happen? 

For three years, I attended an accelerated degree program to get my bachelor’s degree. I worked in an office setting full time and had two younger kids with busy schedules. Somehow, I made it work, because I wanted to (and I can’t deny I had an awesome support system in my husband, friends and a flexible employer).

A little over a year ago, I decided to train to become a Weight Watchers leader. I led two classes a week on top of a full time job. Shortly thereafter my husband took a travel assignment and maintaining a life balance became a little more challenging for me. Yet I made it work because I wanted to and I got by with a little help from my friends.

Neither example is meant to toot my own horn. Every day I am in awe of people around me making life work in superhero fashion- going back to school, volunteering, working long days, taking care of elderly parents or sick children, working two jobs, helping others.  Whether you’re in these roles by choice or by default- please remember that you have the ability and the power to take control of your life.

What have you wanted to try that you can’t find the time for? What have you been meaning to do? Who have you thought about that you’d like to spend time with?

What can you sacrifice in your day or who can you ask for help to make it happen?

Dave Ramsey, as part of his Financial Peace University teachings, instructs that we have the power to tell our money where to go.

We also have the power to make the most of our time. While there may be seasons in our life where this might not be or might not seem possible; I believe that in all seasons, life presents us with choices.

Whatever your goal- getting healthier, trying something new, reaching out to someone, starting a second career, forgiving a hurt, going back to school- make the choice to do it, because you want to. Don’t let the choice overwhelm you. Write down your goal and break it into smaller more manageable steps. Pull your resources; you might be surprised to realize that there are people in your life that are ready and willing to help you, if only you’d ask.

You’ll be amazed at what you can and WILL accomplish.

Make the choice. Commit to the choice. Ask for help. Continue with courage. Be intentional. 
Hugs and Friendship,

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