Monday, August 20, 2012

Thumpity Thump Fear

Well, it’s official! I start my Weight Watcher’s leader training on September 8th! Can I get an amen? Some of you reading this might be thinking big-whoop-dee-do….but what I’m thinking, no, what I’m feeling is yahoooooooooooo!
Have you ever set a goal for something that you REALLY wanted to accomplish? I mean REALLY wanted? Did you reach your goal? Or did you let your thumpity thump fear stop you in your tracks?
When I walked out of those meeting room doors this past Saturday, holding my leader paperwork, I was absolutely overjoyed. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m very aware of the hard work that it’s going to take to get through the certification process, yet I am still blissfully excited about what lies ahead. Because I want it THAT badly! I have dreamed about being a Weight Watcher’s leader for 15 years and I’m finally going for it!

At the beginning of the group interview/orientation process, I was a nervous wreck. I wasn’t quite sure what to expect nor was I certain what was expected of me. At one point while sitting there, I honestly thought I might die of a heart attack right then and there. I thought to myself, can someone please get some baby aspirin up in here? Disclaimer: those of you who know me can apply the TEF, Tara Exaggeration Factor, to the aforementioned statement. While I was waiting my turn to speak in front of the group, my heart started thumping so hard and so loud, I thought it might jump right out of my chest. Tha-thump, tha-thump, THA-THUMP! I don’t know what came over me. I’ve spoken many times in front of a group, and this was a small group. Yet tha-thump, tha-thump, thumpity thump!
As my heart was tha-thumping I began to use one of the Weight Watcher’s Tools for Living to calm myself down. If you’re a Weight Watcher’s member, you’re probably familiar with it- Winning Outcomes. It’s when you visualize a successful outcome before it even happens. I took a big exhale, slowed my breathing and envisioned myself in the front of the room, smiling and confident, leading a class of my own. Whatever you want to call it- Winning Outcomes, positive visualization, the power of positive thinking, mind over matter- it works (if you want it to). 
This week, I ask you to think about something that you’ve wanted to do for a very long time but let that thumpity thump fear get in the way. Close your eyes and envision yourself in that moment, see the end result, really see it. Wait a minute, you’re there! You did it! After all this time! You did it!   
Y-O-U! Congratulations you finally did it! How does it feel? How do you feel?
Now…ask for help. Make the choice. Commit to the choice. Continue with courage.
Hugs and friendship,

1 comment:

  1. Tara, you are amazing. You are funny, candid, and inspiring. I can't wait to hear how your next adventure goes.
