Saturday, September 8, 2012

Get Me OFF of This Ride

The week leading up to and including my Weight Watcher’s leader training has been very much like riding a roller coaster. When I first signed up to be a WW leader I was stoked, pumped, all fired up! Like the feelings you have when you’re waiting in line for that roller coaster. You’re watching people high five and laugh as they come off the ride and you are thinking “sign me up! I’m ready! I can conquer this”!
Well I don’t know about you, but the longer I have to wait in line for a roller coaster, the more nervous I get. It’s such a swell of emotions, a mix of anxiety and excitement, thinking about what’s in store. I have time to watch the ride and as I get closer I realize just how big that first drop is and I start thinking “oh crap, why am I doing this”? That was how I started feeling toward the end of this week. As I reviewed my WW materials and thought about my journey ahead, I started to question my ability to take on the task at hand. I never questioned my desire, I WANT to be a WW leader, but I sure did question the courage it was going to take to finish the ride.
Next comes the ascent; that feeling of exhilaration as the roller coaster car slowly climbs the track. As you inch forward you realize that it’s best not to look back (or down). The car creeps upward; it feels like you’re climbing into the sky and then- fear! Suddenly I want to scream “get me off of this ride”! That’s about where I was the night before my training. I was belted in my coaster car, slowly trekking ahead. Reading my materials, practicing my presentation and then- fear! Holy moly, I’m trapped in my coaster car and there’s no way out! I’m half way up the hill, no turning back now! Why am I doing this? Can I do this? What if I mess up? Breathe Tara, breathe. Everything will be O-K. Remember how good it feels to rush down the other side.
Training day, now that was the true adventure. My coaster car whizzed down the track- total sensory overload. Everything’s going by so fast! I’m trying to take it all in. Some things clear, others a blur. It’s a whirlwind of nerves, joy and thrills. Should I keep my eyes open? Let go of the bar? Am I going to make it to the end of the ride? The training today was awesome and overwhelming, educational and fun. And boy oh boy was it worth the ride!
I don’t know about you, but when I experience an amazing roller coaster, I hop off and get right back in line. That’s exactly what I did after my WW training. Sure I was feeling a little disoriented and overwhelmed.  Yet the sheer joy that I felt at the end of the ride had me coming back for more.
Where are you in your journey? Are you thinking about getting on? Are you in line and totally pumped up for what’s ahead? Or maybe you’re thinking about turning back? Are you in the middle of a challenging climb? Or maybe you’re whooshing down the other side, wind in your hair? Wherever you are, keep your eyes forward. Tap into the courage it took you to get there. Remember where you’re headed and where you’ve come from. Savor the anticipation and enjoy the ride. It’s going to be incredible! Buckle up baby!
Ask for help. Make the choice. Commit to the choice. Continue with courage.
Hugs and friendship,

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