Thursday, January 3, 2013

WW Debunked

Have you ever been in a situation where you’re listening to someone talk and they’re…well…let’s just say…a tad ill-informed? You patiently listen as they blab on and on and on…
Wouldn’t it be awesome if just once it was socially acceptable to cut someone off in mid-conversation? Or if it was cool to roll your eyes and let out a huge sigh? 
It’s always interesting when you hear people discussing something you’re passionate about. With representation from folks like Charles Barkley, Jennifer Hudson and Jessica Simpson, Weight Watchers has been getting a lot of airtime, both on TV and in real life. A while back I was watching a daytime talk show (to go unnamed) and they were talking about Weight Watchers. It was fascinating to hear what they thought the program was about. Some of the hosts were on the money and knew a lot about the program and some made assumptions and generalizations that made me cringe.  When I’m chatting it up with people (and maybe they’re the ones rolling their eyes) about Weight Watchers, I’m really surprised about people’s impressions of the program. And while everyone is certainly entitled to their opinions, I thought I’d take a moment or two to debunk some of the things I’ve heard about the program, especially with the rollout of Weight Watchers 360. Plus, I’ve always wanted to use the word debunk, so here we go:
1) I can’t eat out. WW is designed so you can enjoy life while losing weight. On top of your daily points plus target, you get additional points plus allowance to use however you want and wherever you want. These additional points can be used on that mocha latte, drinks and appetizers at girl’s night out or for a special occasion. WW also provides tools for you to calculate the points plus values of restaurant foods, so you can make wise choices and plan accordingly. While I don’t eat out nearly as much as I used to, I eat out several times a week and I relish every tasty morsel.
2) Working the points plus system doesn’t teach me how to eat right.  This might be the most frustrating statement I hear about the program. WW has created a simplified process for calculating the value of food and has assigned points plus values to each food based on its fiber, fat, carbohydrate, protein and overall nutrition. And yes, things that are “not so healthy” such as baked goods and fried foods also have points plus values and are a part of this program. However, the very core of the program is made up of good health guidelines which are the daily recommended intake of lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, lowfat/nonfat dairy, whole grains and healthy fats. WW also emphasizes Power Foods that are high in nutrition, low in fat and make you feel fuller longer.  You will learn about making wise food choices, incorporating activity, along with behavior changes to revamp your spaces and routines.
3) I already know how to lose weight so I probably won’t learn anything new. I’ve been a WW member for 16 years and I STILL learn something new at almost every meeting. From new recipes, food substitution or preparation tips; to ways to evaluate my goals, behaviors and reinvent myself. I truly value the knowledge and support I receive from my WW leader, peers and materials.
4) I can’t afford it. For some who are financially strapped, I can appreciate your dilemma. I’ve been there, where I’ve had not one extra penny to spend, and yes there is a cost to the WW program. The program ranges in cost from $11 to $14 per week depending on your area and the plan you choose. Please consider the following when mulling over the cost of the program. Some insurance will reimburse you for the cost of the program once you reach goal. My insurance fully reimbursed me for the program and I used the money for smaller clothes. You might be spending $14 a week on lunch out with friends. Think about using that $14 for taking better care of you. Skip that lunch out with friends and take a walk with them instead. $14 is a minor cost for such an important investment- you!
5) I tried a meeting once and did NOT like it. Try again (please). I have been to a variety of meeting locations over the years; they all have their own vibe and attract different member audiences.  Every leader is different and what will appeal to some will not appeal to others.  Some leaders are serious, some no-nonsense, some funny and some hands-on.  Find a meeting location and leader that is right for you. Once you make that click with a leader and location, you will be on the fast track to a new you.
Now that I’ve told you what Weight Watchers is not, let me tell you what it is. Weight Watchers is a program designed for human nature. It’s been around for 50 years and is backed by member success and years of scientific research. It’s a program that will teach you how to make healthy food and lifestyle choices for life. It goes beyond the food to the behaviors behind and around the food.
I feel very blessed to be a part of the Weight Watchers organization, as a member and an employee. The program has changed and continues to change my life for the better.
I invite you to come along on a wellness journey with me. To learn more about WW click here.
Make the choice. Commit to the choice. Ask for help. Continue with courage.
Hugs and friendship,

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