Sunday, January 13, 2013

Why Not?

When was the last time you were truly afraid of something?
My husband and I just got back from an awesomesauce trip to St. Thomas. During our time there, a snorkeling excursion was scheduled and I gladly hesitantly went along. I’m not a big fan of getting wet or swimming, so snorkeling was kind of a no-go for me. Add to that the fact that I’m terrified of fish both large and small and you can understand why I went into the trip with a grand plan that included lounging, reading and sunbathing.
Before we boarded the boat, I had already informed my husband that I would joyfully watch him and the others snorkel, if I decided to move from my lounging, reading and sunbathing position. 
We sailed from St. Thomas to the calm, caribbean blue waters of St. John.  The boat anchored and the crew began handing out the snorkeling equipment and explaining some safety procedures. Most people on board were chatting amongst themselves and eagerly donning the snorkel gear. The views of the cliffs and reefs nearby were incredible and the water was a gorgeous blue even our camera couldn’t capture. After I assured my husband that I was fine with hanging back on the boat, he rode down the boat’s slide, arms in the air.

Once (most) everyone was in the water and off exploring, I told myself that I was perfectly content with being an observer. I stood on the deck, head raised to the sky, enjoying the glory of the warm sun combined with a cooling breeze on my skin. I watched as people explored the ocean depths in groups or alone, wondering what they were seeing. And slowly, my curiosity started to get the best of me. Maybe I was missing out on something really good? Did I want to be an observer or a participant?
I planted myself on a bench on the front of the boat and began lamenting to no-one in particular that I really wanted to snorkel, but I was terribly afraid. The nice solid bench on the boat was comforting and predictable. How could I venture into those waters not knowing what was in there? What if I saw a sting ray? Steve Irwin was an expert in his field yet died from close contact with a sting ray. What if I got too close to the black prickly sea urchins? Their poison-filled spines could make me sick and sore for days. What if I met up with an especially large fish and it could most likely swim faster than me?
My fears might sound irrational and to some silly, but at the time they kept me plastered to the bench. Yet there I was in the Carribbean, surrounded by the incredible beauty of God’s creations, with an expert crew there to support me. So after a little bit a lot of pacing, hand-wringing and pep talks, I decided to give it a go, with a few conditions of course. Condition #1- I wouldn’t “snorkel” per say, but I would go for a leisurely swim with goggles and a swim noodle. Condition #2- My husband would swim ahead of me and warn me of any “large fish” or potential danger. Condition #3- I could get out at any time and was allowed to scream like a girl because, I am one.

After sitting at the top of the slide for a while, I finally opted to slowly back down the steps and into the water. The water was warm and lovely. I peered through my goggles, checking out the sea life below and slowly made my way at a pace that suited me just fine, s-l-o-w. I will admit that my terror was not reduced much by the beauty around me but I did relax slightly and try to appreciate my surroundings. I floated about for a while until my husband took out his snorkel and said “I don’t mean to alarm you, but there is a very large fish right below you”. And that my friends, was the end of my adventure. I swam as hard and as fast as my arms and legs would take me and hastily boarded the boat.  
A few years back, as I was beginning to get myself well, physically, spiritually and emotionally, I decided that I wanted to be a WHY NOT person. I declared that if God placed a situation before me, I wouldn’t ask WHY, I would ask WHY NOT.  Easier said than done right? Yet for the most part I am proud to say that I am turning into a WHY NOT person. I have begun to view situations that are scary, challenging and new as blessings and gifts.
And I’m beginning to understand that just like the crew and equipment on the boat, God has equipped me with the talent, support and equipment for the task at hand, whatever that may be.
All I need to do is ask WHY NOT?
If there is something new you’ve been wanting to try or something overdue you’ve been meaning to face, there is no better time than now to dive in. If you’re like me, you’ll find that the worry was worse than the act itself. And you might surprise yourself and have fun along the way.
I want to be that person who slides into life feet first with my hands in the air. How about you?
Make the choice. Commit to the choice. Ask for help. Continue with courage.
Hugs and friendship,

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