Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Arrivederci Weight Watchers

In the summer of 1996, a year after getting married at my heaviest weight, I walked into my first Weight Watchers meeting. I was 24, exhausted and depressed, a lost soul. I had no idea if the program was going to work for me or if I’d be willing to put in the work. Six months later I was 40 pounds lighter and I not only fell in love with how I felt as a new healthy me, I fell in love with Weight Watchers.

I’ve been a Lifetime Member of Weight Watchers since 1997, now that’s some program staying power. As many of you know, I’ve been somewhat of a Weight Watchers evangelist. Those who know me know that there are two things I get really excited about- Jesus and Weight Watchers. Of course over the span of 20 years I wasn’t always able to maintain my weight. That thing called life happened on occasion. In 2011 I went back on the program, got back to my goal weight and have been maintaining ever since.

Since then, I’ve blogged about how Weight Watchers has changed my life and indeed it has, not just physically but emotionally. One of the biggest changes that came with my (more recent) weight loss is my willingness to take risks. Deciding to become a Weight Watchers leader was a HUGE leap for me. I’m an introvert so standing in front of that room could have equaled pure torture- yet instead it led to pure bliss. I found out that I kind of (shhh- don’t tell anyone) like public speaking. More importantly, I LOVE helping people to reach their goals. I love seeing the light come on in their eyes and in their souls when they realize what they can accomplish. When they begin to see what’s possible for them.

When Weight Watchers let me go as a Leader because I couldn’t lead in the winter due to my neurological illness I was devastated. Devastated! I had finally found the thing that makes my heart sing. I honestly didn’t know what to do with myself. I cried about it. I blogged about it. I got good and angry about it. I prayed about it and was met with silence.

If you know me, you know that I’m a little impatient. Because I’m a mover and a shaker (on most days), I expect things to happen. Waiting a year or more for something to happen, well…that’s simply unthinkable. So I started writing down goals on my vision board. I truly believe that you can think something into existence. By speaking your goals out loud, by writing them down, by keeping them in front of you.

Suddenly, I went from feeling stuck to feeling incredulous at what began to unfold in my life. I began to co-lead a weight loss support group at my church. While the group remained small, I met some truly amazing women who continue to have an impact in my life. One of the women who came to my group is my current Beachbody Coach Erica. She came and shared her successes and struggles and also talked about Beachbody. She led a Cize (dance workout) for the group and brought in some Shakeology samples.

While I was curious about Beachbody, I wasn’t overly eager to learn more about it because being a Weight Watcher had been ingrained in me for 20 years and it was working for me. Erica and I kept in touch over Facebook and I watched her continued success on the program. I loved her enthusiasm and energy and what I really started to get intrigued about were the workouts. While Weight Watchers has a solid nutrition plan and they encourage you to be active, they do not offer a fitness component as part of the plan. Since I was already at goal, I really wanted to start to transform my body, changing fat into muscle.

Fast forward several months from when Erica came to my weight loss support group…and all it took was one ask…Erica asked me if I wanted to join a Beachbody challenge group. While I was hesitant (I blogged about my entire 21 Day Fix experience here), I decided to give it a go to get rid of some winter weight gain and to start to tone my body. I was intoxicated by the results. So much so that my addiction to feeling fit and healthy is now overpowering my addiction to food (and I LOVE food). That’s a statement right there folks.

I believe in the program so much that after my first challenge group I decided to become a Coach. Can I tell you what a blessing it is to be able to help people again? It lights my soul up from the inside out. Can I tell you what a God thing this is? That I found a program that I love as much (if not more) than Weight Watchers, that allows me to help myself, to help others, to run my own business, to make a profit and to do it at my own pace and on my own schedule? A-maz-ing! Beachbody is an incredible company that provides ongoing support, motivation, personal and professional development. In the short month that I’ve been a Coach I’ve received more training, development and recognition than I ever did at Weight Watchers (as an employee). And the people---they are passionate, driven and inclusive. It’s like having an instant wellness family.

I’m a firm believer that everything (I mean everything, even the super crummy stuff) happens for a reason and that many times it doesn’t happen at your desired time, but it happens at the right time.

Weight Watchers will always be my first love. Just like when you think back to your first love, you get that nostalgic feeling and maybe breathe a heart-filled sigh, that’s what Weight Watchers will always be to me.

This is why I’m saying arrivederci (until we see each other again) to Weight Watchers. It’s a part of who I am. The behavior changes and the friendships I made during my time as a Weight Watcher will always be with me. I’m just packing them in my suitcase and bringing them along on this new adventure. 

Make the choice. Commit to the choice. Continue with courage. 
Hugs and friendship,

1 comment:

  1. Love this post, Tara! You are such an inspiration to me (and a GREAT coach!) What a great foundation you received from WW and now look at you!
