Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Explosion of Joy

Isn’t it amazing how something or someone comes into your life just when you need it most? Whether it’s a special friend or family member that shows up at just the right time, a song lyric that strikes a chord, words in a book that speak to your heart or maybe a message from a TV show or movie.
This past weekend, I was watching Super Soul Sunday on OWN and they featured a video short by Soul Pancake called Heart Attack. If you have 3 minutes to spare, click here.
Soul Pancake set up a button on a busy boardwalk that said “Need some love? Push here!” 
Some people didn’t even notice the button and kept going about their day. Some slowed down, giving a curious glimpse, even back tracking to look at it again, but they didn’t press the button. Those who pressed the button, well, they got quite the surprise. They received an explosion of joy! A compartment opened up and out came people dressed up as hearts, holding balloons, shooting streamers and saying I LOVE YOU. Watch the video, it’s bound to make you smile and who doesn’t need a little stress relief this time of year. The reactions of those who pressed the button are priceless. I love the manly man who was being circled by hearts dancing around him. He’s got a huge grin on his face and has his hands in the air, just celebrating being celebrated.

When was the last time you were loved like that? Or the last time you showed someone love like that?
Have you ever given yourself permission to love yourself like that?  To celebrate who you are.
Seeing the joy-filled faces of perfect strangers in the video reminded me of how important it is to slow down, especially this time of year, to take the time to give and receive love. And to make time to take care of yourself, so that you can be your best you.    
In a few days, millions of people around the world with gather with family and friends to celebrate the great gift of love from our Creator.  A love that was sent to this earth to fill us with hope, peace, joy and life everlasting. I can’t help but imagine that when we receive the gift of love from our Creator, it’s like pushing that red button that says “Need some love? Push here!”  

When we push that red button, the heavens explode with joy. And just like the manly man in that video, we are circled by hearts dancing around us. And our Creator, He’s got a huge grin on his face and has his hands in the air celebrating us, for exactly who we are, for exactly who He created us to be.
I wish you and your loved ones a holiday season filled with unexpected explosions of joy!
And look forward to sharing another year of good health, happiness and wellness with you!
Make the choice. Commit to the choice. Ask for help. Continue with courage.
Hugs and friendship,

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