Monday, August 13, 2012

Why Weight Watcher’s?

This Saturday I am heading to the Weight Watcher’s Lansdale office for a group interview/informational session- my first step toward my goal of becoming a leader.  I am very excited (and nervous) for Saturday to finally get here. I am so close to a goal that’s been 15 years in the making.
As I prepare for my meeting, I can’t deny that walking through those meeting room doors, way back in 1996, was a life-changing decision. I also cannot help but reflect on what Weight Watcher’s means to me and why the program has worked for me for 15 years.
It makes me think about something my husband noticed as we were climbing Mt. Monadnock.  He noticed that sometimes I would follow him and sometimes I would branch off and make my own way. Other times I would lead and blaze the path ahead for both of us. Every so often I would take a leap, but most times I was carefully watching my steps and shifting my footing. On occasion I would slow down and ask him to lend a hand. When the trail got really scary (and it did), I would examine my intent and question my sanity a bit, wondering if I could keep moving forward. Why on earth do I want to do this? Can I do this? Is it worth it? And after a little bit of self-talk and encouragement from my husband, I forged ahead, refocused on my goal and taking it one step at a time.  
This is exactly what Weight Watcher’s has done for me! From the start, they helped me set healthy and manageable goals. They set me up with a plan and provided the tools and support I needed to reach those goals. Weight Watcher’s kept the plan flexible, giving me the ability to stay within its parameters but to customize a path that would work just for me.  They provided leadership and guidance when I needed it while encouraging me to stand on my own. And when I faltered, they welcomed me back with open arms into a judgment free space.  They cheered me on when I lost and picked me up when I gained. Weight Watcher’s made me realize that it’s OK to ask for help. They made me see that failure can be a way to learn and grow.  I love that Weight Watcher’s has changed with me over the years;  keeping to the core of who they are while updating their program and  staying current with technology and trends. My online tracking tool is my best friend for life. J Weight Watcher’s understands that losing weight is not about will power, it’s about mind power. The Tools for Living they provide to help me re-think my thinking always keep me on point. Weight Watcher’s knows that the journey is worth it. Their leaders and staff have walked in my shoes; it’s what makes them relatable and authentic.
Lastly, Weight Watcher’s knew there was something great in me even when I didn’t. They saw right through that chubby embarrassed depressed gal that walked through those doors 15 years ago. Weight Watcher’s knew that she was destined to be a strong, content and joy-filled woman, bent on changing the world!
Why Weight Watcher’s? Why not?
Ask for help. Make the choice. Commit to the choice. Continue with courage.
Hugs and friendship,

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