Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Perfect Excuse (Buster)

Well, just when I say I’m gonna take a blog break, I feel like writing so…
This week, in typical Tara “all-in” fashion, I decided to jump fanny first into a new fitness class. I also rooked my husband Nate and son Josh into taking part. Tonight was our first family cycling class and let’s just say that my lady parts and the seat needed some space. Two minutes into the class, I bailed. And a few minutes later, Josh bailed too. So while Nate spun to the beat, I went to the fitness center and rode the comfy old lady bike with the nice wide seat and walked on the treadmill.
As I was walking on the treadmill at a nice clip, partially berating myself for quitting the class, I couldn’t help but notice that I was the only one walking on the treadmill. Everyone around me was running. I mean what else is there to do while on the treadmill than to people watch? And as I looked around the room of mostly fit people I couldn’t help but think about the newer exercisers or heavier persons who might feel like they don’t quite fit in.
I’m at a weight I haven’t seen since 2004, and for the most part am feeling fantastic. Yet being surrounded by a bunch of runners on the treadmill made me believe for a moment that I wasn’t working  hard enough. That couldn’t be farther from the truth.
When I lost 40 pounds the first time around on Weight Watcher’s, my primary source of exercise was walking. Walking is the perfect excuse-buster. I can’t afford a gym membership- walking is free. I don’t have money for equipment- once again walking is free. I don’t have the time to exercise- park a little farther out at the grocery store or mall, that extra walking will add up. My kids are tied up in sports and that ties me up- walk around the baseball field while they’re at practice. If I exercise, that takes away time with my kids- bring them with you, they could even ride their bikes. Admittedly the weather can be a deterrent to walking. You could invest in some really great cold gear or try a walking fitness DVD and walk in your warm cozy living room. You could even start out walking in place during the commercials of your favorite TV show. There are about 17 minutes of commercials during a one hour TV show. I love walking because it doesn’t matter your size, age or financial situation, if you have sneakers and the will to make a change, you can start right away.
For those who think that walking just isn’t impactful enough, let’s explore some of the benefits of walking. According to the Mayo Clinic* walking…
Lowers your bad cholesterol
Increases your good cholesterol
Lowers your blood pressure
Reduces your risk of or manages your type 2 diabetes
Manages your weight
Improves your mood
Helps you stay strong and fit
I don’t know about you, but I’m sold. So dig those sneakers out from the back of your closet and get to gettin’. Start with a small daily goal and work your way up from there.
Make the choice, commit to the choice and continue with courage.
Hugs and friendship,

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